About Us


Since we
started work in 2015

S&Z Materials INC is a brand that the non-ferrous industry has known for the past two decades. A leader In brass precision components & capacitors, we have been delivering high quality products since our inception. Founded in the year 2015 in the heart of Ontario – Canada. It was our vision and zeal that has made this institution a name synonymous with machined precision components in the engineering industry.

S&Z Materials INC, has kept pace with the ever growing needs of the engineering industry and that is evident with the proportional growth it has exhibited. Situated currently in the Industrial Area, With a large and satisfied customer base, S&Z Materials INC is adept at taking up challenges and emerge with positive results.

Established Since 2015
Skilled Employees 42
Products 40
Trust and recommed


Quality Assurance

With Timely



Exporters & Distributors

Machined Components And Capacitors

Exclusive Manufacturing

We Develop

products as per your requirements

why choose us

What we do

  • Mission Our Mission is to deliver Quality Brass Parts & Assemblies in time & Every time at efficient price while creating values for customers, Vendors, Employees & all other Stakeholders.
  • Quality Policy Our Prime Focus is the satisfaction of our Honorable Customers & our Prime Motto is to meet customer's requirements effectively & creating values for all, our customers & our Company & to Society.
  • Vision To be recognized as Industry Leader for Quality Components & Capacitors and also to be the customers first choice by implementing best manufacturing practices with engineering excellence.
  • Copper S&Z is a leading manufacturer of Copper Bus Bars. Our
    production range encompasses a wide spectrum of sizes.
    We oer at bars with sharp & round edges as well as full
    radius. As an experience and reliable with fully integrate
    production, S&Z has long been keeping peace with changes
    in the market. The latest trends involve additional alloying as
    well as Oxgyen Free Copper - and we’re involved in those
    things too.

Training Policy

S&Z Materials prides itself in working in tandem with customers to help reduce costs and increase productivity without compromising on quality and service. Currently, S&Z Materials INC has grown leaps and bounds especially in the last few years with niche components being the trade mark of S&Z Materials.


We believe in enhancing human resources assets value for continual improvement in product quality.
Periodic training is provided to all employees to make things Easier, Faster & cost effective
Periodic measurement of employees’ skills & capabilities are tested with relation to Matrix Skill & competence skills.
In house as well as training from professional bodies are organized.

2000 Established Since

3 Skilled Employees

Clients Testimonials

Here's what our clients say about us

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Stefanie Rashford
Top Coach

Nullam orci dui, dictum et magna sollicitudin, tempor blandit erat. Maecenas suscipit tellus sit amet augue placerat fringilla a id lacus. Morbi viverra volutpat ex, id pellentesque felis volutpat eu..

Patric Stone

Maecenas ultricies felis sit amet libero scelerisque, ut eleifend leo mattis. Aliquam porta facilisis metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam id.

Hugo James